Lemon's mix: 6 filling salad recipes

Thursday, May 28, 2015

6 filling salad recipes

I had plain yogurt for breakfast, a salad for lunch and when I came home, I ate the entire kitchen! Anyone else who knows this situation? :-) Well it doesn't have to be that way!
Fortunately, there are options for having a very healthy salad and not be hungry afterwards. You just need to add a few "wise" ingredients that fill you up for for a while. Here are my favorites and maybe also an inspiration for you!

Omega 3 Salad:
mix of leaf lettuce
1 organic egg
 wild salmon (Omega 3)
1 avocado
a hand full walnuts (Omega 3)
grated radish 
salt and pepper
linseed oil (Omega 3)

Trust me, after this salad you feel like you've eaten 2 Burgers!

© Lemon's mix

Beetroot Salad:
mix of leaf lettuce (arugula, field salad, etc.)
1-3 cooked beetroot (you can also buy already cooked one)
flax seed
salt and pepper  

© Lemon's mix

Tomato Mozzarella Salad:
salt and pepper
balsamic vinegar

Well, that's a classic one, isn't it?

© Lemon's mix

Seafood Salad:
mix of leaf lettuce (arugula, field salad, etc.)
pickled mix of seafood (mussels, calamari, octopus)
flax seed
salt and pepper  
© Lemon's mix

Turkey Breast Salad:
mix of leaf lettuce (arugula, field salad, etc.)
1 organic egg
1 red pepper 
roasted turkey breast strips
 flax seed
salt and pepper  
Turkey breast is lean meat and provides animal protein! In moderation, it is super healthy.

© Lemon's mix

Green Asparagus Salad:
1 red pepper
optional 1 warm cooked organic egg 
warm cooked green asparagus
flax seed
salt and pepper  

© Lemon's mix